Villa Tugendhat will again be involved in the 8th edition of the national festival of celebrating architecture, which is organized by the KRUH association in cooperation with local organizations and initiatives from 28 September to 4 October. This year’s main programme focuses on the theme of “Architecture Together”, since the festival commemorates the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia.
SVOJDOMOV [OwnHome] Exhibition
Modern living is current topic in every age. The realization of the contemporary modernist district named ‘Svojdomov’ in Žilina in Slovakia in 1931 was one of the largest construction projects in Czechoslovakia, reflecting the ideas of the New Housing programme, defined by the Weissenhof exhibition colony in Stuttgart (1927).
The exhibition will be opened in the presence of its author Dušan Mellner on 1 October 2018 at 5 p.m. on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat.
The exhibition on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat is accessible during the opening hours of the villa without prior reservation; entrance fee: 50 CZK / person.
Monday 1 October, 13.00-18.00, Villa Tugendhat, Černopolní 45
The personalized ideas of the New Housing programme were presented through the Weissenhof exhibition colony in Stuttgart (1927). As a direct response to the World Exhibition in Stuttgart, the ‘Nový dům’ exhibition colony in Brno (1928) and Baba settlement (1932) in Prague, the residential district of Zlín and the Svojdomov district (1931) in Žilina were subsequently realized. The importance and current condition of these colonies are the subject of an international scientific conference.
13:00 Opening ceremony
Doc. Ing. arch. Jarmila Húsenicová, PhD. Head of KARCH dpt., SvF STU Bratislava
Mgr. Lucie Valdhansová – Brno City Museum – Villa Tugendhat department
13:30 Ing. arch. Dušan Mellner, Ph.D. (KARCH SvF STU)
Modern housing in the Svojdomov district of Žilina, Slovakia
14:00 Mgr. Jindřich Chatrný and PhDr. Dagmar Černoušková (Brno City Museum)
Nový dům housing colony (1928) in Brno
14:30 Discussion
15:00 Mgr. Ladislava Horňáková (Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín)
International housing competition in Zlín, 1935
15:30 PhDr. Katarína Haberlandová, PhD. (Department of Architecture, HÚ SAV)
Modern housing in Bratislava in the interwar period
16:00 Mgr. Alena Křížková (NPÚ ÚOP Praha)
Baba housing colony in Prague
16:30 Discussion
17:00 Svojdomov Exhibition opening
The conference and exhibition opening are accessible without prior reservation and free of charge.