Under the auspices of Cafe Biograf, the Uprostřed Festival and Villa Tugendhat, you can experience a film screening with live musical accompaniment in a modern concept. The silent film The Last of the Mohicans from 1920 will be accompanied by the Brno musical virtuoso TOM HOLIČ. The entire programme will be set in the garden of Villa Tugendhat where you can listen to the music of Pan Urb from 18:30.
18:00 Opening of the garden of Villa Tugendhat
18:30 Music in the garden / Pan Urb (live)
20:30 The Last of the Mohicans + Tom Holic (live)
22:00 Closing of the event
Ticket sales
Admission: 100 CZK / person
Capacity is limited, advance ticket purchase required.
Tickets can be purchased online from 24 June 2021 at www.tugendhat.eu.
By purchasing a ticket, the participant agrees to the Organizer’s Terms and Conditions, which are available HERE.
Tel.: +420 515 511 015 / 017
E-mail: info@tugendhat.eu