The divine Greta Garbo will be the main character of the Christmas film screening, which will take place in the glass room of Villa Tugendhat on Wednesday 19 December from 8 pm. This year’s final film screening will be dedicated to the legendary Grand Hotel from 1932 that brings the audience into an atmosphere of a fabulous hotel in Berlin where fates of five completely different characters intersect: a Russian dancer, an industrial tycoon, a clerk, a poor baron, and an ambitious stenographer. The film, directed by Edmund Goulding, will feature beside Greta Garbo also John and Lionel Barrymore, Joan Crawford, and Wallace Berry.
The film will be screened in the original version with Czech subtitles.
Price: 200 CZK
The capacity is limited, advance purchase of a ticket is required.
Stiletto heels are not permitted in the interior.
Tickets are on sale from 7 November 2018
Tickets can be purchased online at www.tugendhat.eu.
By booking a ticket, the client confirms that they have read the Rules and possibilities of ticket purchasing that are available at http://www.tugendhat.eu/data/Pravidla_zakoupeni_vstupenky.pdf