Come and find shapes both familiar and newly discovered, as if cut out of a picture encyclopaedia or awakened from our nightly dreams. Liberate from paper the wildlife, favourite fruits from Grandma’s garden, waves and clouds drifting across the sky, geometric shapes from unknown galaxies. We will breathe new life into them and combine them into fantastic stories.
Author: Barbora Satranská, creator of original comics and illustrations
Starting at 10:00 on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat. Duration approximately 90 minutes.
The workshop is designed primarily for children, especially for pupils of the first level of primary schools. However, all ages are welcome.
Please reserve seats only for active workshop participants. Accompanying younger children with a maximum of one adult is possible beyond the reserved places.
Admission is free. Reservation required via BrnoiD:
In case you cannot use your reservation, please notify us at the following email address kolar@muzeumbrna.cz.
The workshop will take place as part of the accompanying programme to the exhibition of illustrations of architecture KONTURY. More information about the exhibition can be found HERE.
The exhibition was prepared by the Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre, Brno City Museum, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.