ICONIC HOUSES, an international non-profit network connecting architecturally significant monuments of the 20th century, termed as “house museums”, was founded in 2012 on the initiative of Natascha Drabbe, a Dutch architectural historian and manager of cultural projects. Currently, the organisation consists of nearly two hundred such buildings worldwide and lists them on the iconichouses.org website – in the vast majority of cases the houses are located in Europe and North America. Villa Tugendhat in Brno is one of the founding members.
For the first time ever, the exhibition presents in a single location an interesting collection of eighteen of the most important Czech house-museums – monuments of architectural modernism from the years 1906 to 1958. Twelve of the eighteen presented houses are members of the prestigious international network ICONIC HOUSES. Visitors can get acquainted with monuments of modern architecture located in administrative and industrial centres such as Brno, Prague or Pilsen, but also in other, smaller cities in the Czech Republic.
Exhibition opening: Tuesday 16 January 2024, 18:00
Exhibition: 17 January – 7 April 2024 (accessible without reservation for free Tue–Sun 9:00–17:00)
The exhibition is situated on the technical ground floor of Villa Tugendhat.
Concept of the exhibition: Maria Szadkowska, The City of Prague Museum, Study and Documentation Centre Norbertov
Supervision: Natascha Drabbe, Director of ICONIC HOUSES
Villa Tugendhat curator: Michal Kolář, Brno City Museum, Study and Documentation Centre – Villa Tugendhat
Graphic design: Markéta Othová, Milena Havlíčková
Production: Zuzana Hronková
Language editor: Miloslava Vajdlová
Texts and photographs: Adolf Loos Apartment and Gallery, Brno City Museum, Kaplicky Centre, Lidice Memorial, Moravian Gallery, Museum of Tower Blocks, Plzeň – TURISMUS, Prague City Gallery, The City of Prague Museum, The Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Villa Stiassni, Villa Volman, Villa Winternitz
Print: Indigoprint, Praha