Their interpretation is focused on understanding the pulsation of space in Mies’ architecture and the subsequent materialization of an invisible and elusive phenomenon into architectural proto-objects. Thus, a new sphere and interface between the old and the new is created, through which the innovative thinking of the early twentieth century and the present can be bridged. The digital design uses data obtained directly from the dimensions and concept of the space of Villa Tugendhat. These are abstracted, orchestrated and applied to a digital programme that can be used to create entirely new structures and forms.
Digital design methods are inspired by biology, evolution, physics, cognitive science, sociology, and art. The results are radical, new, aesthetic, architectural objects. Inspiration in the weaving and spinning machines, so characteristic of Brno of the First Republic is imprinted in the designs and transforms the objects into musical instruments.
In addition to the exhibition of models of biomorphic objects printed on a 3D printer, usable garden seating furniture in real size was created based on Mies’ architectural language.
More information about the project HERE.
7 Dec, 6 p. m. exhibition opening
8 Dec 2021 – 9 Jan 2022 exhibition of the interactive VR model in the technical floor of the Tugendhat villa (accessible Tue–Sun 9:00–16:30, 50 CZK)
online discussion comparing the perception of Mies van der Rohe’s work on the American and European continents:
8. 12. 2021, 18:00 Interpretation 6: Pulsating Mies / Biomorphic Machines Online Panel vol. 1. CZ_SK – Expected participation: MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran Vítek, Prof. Ing. arch. Monika Mitášová, PhD., Mgr. Filip Šenk, Ph.D.
16 Dec 2021, 6:30 p.m. Interpretation 6: Pulsating Mies / Biomorphic Machines Online Panel vol. 2. US – Expected participation: Ing. arch. Jiří Vítek, Andrew Santa Lucia, Eric Goldemberg
Authors of the concept and production of exhibitions: Barbora Benčíková, Ludmila Haasová, Neli Hejkalová, Lucie Valdhansová (Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre)
Curator: Neli Hejkalová
Graphic design: Atelier Zidlicky
Project photographer: Mizuki Nakeshu
The project is realized with financial support of the Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic.