The lecture focuses on the most interesting designs by Jindřich Halabala for the United Arts and Crafts Factory in Brno in the 1930s. It highlights the main types of seating, cabinet, table and additional furniture, special attention is given to original tubular furniture, and attention is drawn to the current interest in originals and in modern products manufactured under license according to the original designs.

Dagmar Koudelková (*1965)

Art historian, a graduate of Art History at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. She worked as a curator of furniture in the Moravian Gallery in Brno and curator of exhibitions at the Design Centre of the Czech Republic. Now she teaches at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. She focuses on the history of bentwood furniture, metal tubular furniture, housing culture of the inter-war and post-war and on contemporary design. She is the author of publications Jiří Pelcl x design: subjective x objective (2006) and ATIKA 1987–1992. Emotions and Form (2007), she co-authored books on Czech interior and furniture design from 1989 to 1999(Český interiér a nábytkový design 1989–1999) (2000) and Jindřich Halabala a Spojené uměleckoprůmyslové závody v Brně (Jindřich Halabala and United Artistic and Industrial Factory in Brno) (2003).

Jindřich Chatrný (*1965)

A graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University in Brno; since 1983 he has been working in the Brno City Museum, since 2004 as the curator of the collections and the head of the History of Architecture Department. His exhibition and publishing activities mainly focus on architecture and furniture design of the first half of the 20th century, such as: Bedřich Rozehnal, Josef Polášek, Jindřich Kumpošt, Jan Vaněk, Jiří Kroha (with M. Macharáčková), For A New Brno – Brno Architecture 1919–1939 (with L. Kudělková); publications: Jan Vaněk 1891–1962. Civilized housing for everyone. Brno 2010; Orbis pictus Bohuslava Fuchse / von Bohuslav Fuchs / de Bohuslav Fuchs / of Bohuslav Fuchs. Brno 2012 (with D. Černoušková and P. Seitlová).


Full admission: 100 CZK / person, reduced: 50 CZK / students, seniors
Capacity is limited, previous purchase of a ticket required.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.tugendhat.eu from 15 October 2018


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E-mail: info@tugendhat.eu