Each artist works with different techniques and has a distinctive artistic language. Under the curatorial guidance, they have also chosen a different approach to their own interpretation of the villa in its multilayered form and have worked on the sub-themes that are closest to their interests. The result is a diverse range of representations of Villa Tugendhat and thus a further exploration of the possibilities of presenting and exhibiting the architecture itself. The newly created series of illustrations has the ambition to present these innovative ways of approaching the perception of an architectural work and to encourage a new reflection – whether as an artist or a spectator – on a global monument of modern architecture.
The accessible form of illustration may be closer to many visitors than the traditionally exhibited architectural designs and models. With this exhibition, we are trying to attract not only those who are traditionally interested in architecture to Villa Tugendhat, but also all lovers of the media of free graphics and illustration. Last but not least, great emphasis is also placed on the inquisitive child viewer.
Exhibition opening: Tuesday 1 October 2024, 18:00
Duration: 2 October 2024 – 16 February 2025 (accessible without reservation for free Tue–Sun 10:00–18:00)
The exhibition is situated on the technical ground floor of Villa Tugendhat.
Illustrators represented: Jakub Bachorík, Jakub Plachý, Barbora Satranská, Vojtěch Šeda, Jan Šrámek, Veronika Vlková
Curators: Barbora Benčíková, Ludmila Bílá Haasová, Michal Kolář
Language proofreading: Alena Benešová
Translation: Kateřina Báňová
Graphic design of the exhibition and accompanying printed materials: Studio Pixle
Architectural design: Studio Pixle
Production of the exhibition: Studio Pixle
Printing of the brochure: Quatro print, a. s.
Partner: KOMA International Comics Festival
The exhibition was prepared by the Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre, Brno City Museum, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.