Prof. Dr. Phil. Magdalena Droste studied art history at the University of Marburg. She spent her voluntary gap years in 1977–1979 in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart and in 1979 she was a guest curator at the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus in Munich. In 1980–1997 she worked as a museum curator in the Bauhaus Archive in Berlin. Since 1997 she has been head of the Department of Art History at the Brandenburgische Technische Universität in Cottbus.
Since 1997 she has been systematically focusing on topics from the entire breadth of Bauhaus history. Both her monographs on the history of this art school (1990 and 2006) have been translated into eleven languages.
The lecture will be held on Monday, 4 April 2016 at 6 p.m.
At the beginning we will open an exhibition about Lilly Reich.
(A tour of the villa is not included in the lecture).
The lecture will be in German and will be interpreted.
The lecture was prepared by the German Cultural Association in Brno in cooperation with the Villa Tugendhat.
Admission: 100 CZK; students and seniors 50 CZK.
A reservation is required for the lecture, telephone: +420 515 511 015/017 or e-mail: info@tugendhat.eu
(limited capacity of 70 people).
A poster for the lecture can be downloaded here.