Michelangelo Sabatino: The Edith Farnsworth House

Don't miss architectural historian and professor at Chicago's Illinois Institute of Technology Michelangelo Sabatino's discussion with architect Iveta Černá about a new publication dedicated to the famous Edith Farnsworth House. The event will include a short reading followed by an autograph session. The publication will also be available for purchase at the Villa Tugendhat box office. The whole event will be held in English without interpretation.

Michelangelo Sabatino: The Edith Farnsworth House

Michelangelo Sabatino

Michelangelo Sabatino is a publicly engaged educator, historian, curator, and preservationist whose research and writing focuses primarily on the built environment of the twentieth century.  In addition to having served as the Interim Dean (2017-19) he currently directs the PhD Program in Architecture and is the Inaugural John Vinci Distinguished Research Fellow.

Sabatino trained in art, architectural and design history, and preservation at universities in Canada, Italy, and the United States of America. He earned a professional degree in Architecture at the Università IUAV di Venezia and a PhD in the Department of Fine Art, University of Toronto. He held a post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of History of Art + Architecture, Harvard University. Sabatino taught at Yale University and the University of Houston before his appointment to IIT’s College of Architecture. Sabatino’s research has been supported by a range of funding agencies and institutions such as SSHRC, Canadian Centre for Architecture and the Graham Foundation.

The Edith Farnsworth House in Chicago: Architecture, Preservation, and Stewardship

Sabatino’s new book reveals the three different “lives” of the famous modern house in Chicago beginning with its commissioning by client/patron Dr. Edith Farnsworth with famed German architect Mies van der Rohe followed by two additional “lives” centered around the period of ownership by Lord Peter and Hayat Palumbo, concluding with its current stewardship by the National Trust for Historic Preservation/Landmarks Illinois.

Entrance for free. A reservation through BrnoID ticket sale system link above is necessary. In case you can’t come to the event, please let us know on the email: dvorak@muzeumbrna.cz.