Although the space arrangement of Villa Tugendhat was being described as radical, its preparation and aims can be followed in the works of its author since 1923. Most of the ideas and themes used at the Brno building were tried by Mies in previous designs and buildings, and thus when designing Villa Tugendhat, he worked with an already proven aesthetic and formal vocabulary.
The masterfully managed radicalism of the Brno building has led through a six-year journey of gradual steps, and each of the elements forming the radical novelty and its architectural and spatial aesthetics (except of the air conditioning) were gradually tried out by Mies in other previous buildings. The lecture will follow this journey step by step.
Professor Petr Pelčák is an architect active in his own bureau and at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Brno.
The lecture will be held on Monday 25 March 2013 at 5 p.m. on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat (a tour of the villa is not included of the lecture).
Entrance fee is CZK 100, students and seniors CZK 50.
You can download the poster fot the lecture here.