Dagmar Pecková
Full of emotion, confidence, energy, “that Carmen with the spiky hair” for the Czech., Beyond the borders, an opera diva of the first magnitude… Berlin, Munich, London, Paris, San Francisco, New York. Two children and a career in full swing … A couple of stumbles and a fall to the bottom – the burnout. In search for self-confidence, learning to sing again, inner reflection and joy of life. These topics and others too will fill the cosy August evening with the famous Czech mezzosoprano – Dagmar Pecková.
Admission: 400.- CZK
Prior reservation required, the capacity is limited to 80 persons.
Tickets can be booked by e-mail at info@tugendhat.eu
or by telephone at +420 515 511 015/017
Stiletto heels are not permitted in the interior.
Tickets are on sale from 17 May.