Guests can enjoy a drink in the garden, learn the basic steps of swing or spend a pleasant evening on a blanket with their own refreshments in the garden of Brno’s only UNESCO heritage site on 30 June. Live music will be provided by The Petersons, mini swing lessons will be taught by the Swing Wings dance school. The evening will be hosted by Martin Koplík.
Evening programme (TBC):
18:00 Opening of the garden
19:00 Swing dance hall
20:00 Performance by The Petersons (live swing band)
20:30 Swing mini-lesson by Swing Wings dance school
21:15 Performance by The Petersons (live swing band)
22:00 End of programme

Ticket price: 250 CZK / person
Advance ticket purchase required.
A tour of the villa interior is not included in the programme.
Tickets can be purchased HERE from 5 June 2023.
The organizer reserves the right to change the date of the event, visitors will be informed in advance of any change of date.
By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the Organiser’s Inclement Weather Policy; these can be downloaded HERE.