25 August 2018 from 18.00
On the last August Saturday evening, Villa Tugendhat will feature the “Hradozámecká noc” festival, organized by the National Monument Institute. For four years, the ‘Brno Villa Quartet’ has been also involved in this project, i.e. beside Villa Tugendhat also Villa Stiassni, Jurkovič Villa and Villa Löw-Beer.
The programme in Villa Tugendhat offers a unique opportunity to combine a musical experience with a tour of the Brno pearl of the modern architecture.
The event starts at 18.00 in the garden of the villa with a concert of the popular group Zrní, which will be followed by shortened 30-minute tours of the building.
17.45 – Opening of the Tugendhat Villa garden
18.00 – Concert of Zrní band
ca. 19.20–19.50 – Excursion – group 1
ca. 19.40–20.10 – Excursion – group 2
ca. 20.00–20.30 – Excursion – group 3
ca. 20.20–20.50 – Excursion – group 4
ca. 20.40–21.30 – Excursion – group 5
21.50 – End of event
The Zrní band originated in 2002 and this year celebrates the 16th year of its existence with a series of concerts in unusual venues. With a talent for melody and a mix of modern sound, Zrní is an icon of innovation and search on the Czech alternative scene, as evidenced by, among other things, the Angel Award for the Discovery of the Year which the group received in 2012. From busking on the street, the band worked their way up thanks to their talent and diligence to its imaginary peak. The latest direction of the band is very well presented by their last album “Sparking”, where Zrní makes a move with sounds and text from nature to the contemporary urban space.
The division of visitors into tour groups will take place on the spot when entering the event on a “first come, first served” basis. Guests will receive colour-coded bracelets at the entrance (open from 17.45) with tour dates that will entitle them to enter the villa interior at that time. The guide picks up the group exactly at the given time in the souvenir shop in the technical basement of the villa. Late arrival or loss of the bracelet automatically means that one will not be entitled to join the tour. The tour of the interior is only possible with a guide.
Price: 300 CZK / pp
Capacity is limited, previous purchase of a ticket required.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.tugendhat.eu from 13 July 2018.
Stiletto heels are not permitted in the interior.
By purchasing a ticket, the visitor confirms their agreement with the tour rules of the “Night of Castles and Châteaux” event in Villa Tugendhat 2018.
Phone: +420 515 511 015 / 017
E-mail: info@tugendhat.eu