In 1931, roughly eighty photographs were created of the Villa Tugendhat, depicting the villa in its entirety – full shots, medium shots, and close-ups of the exterior, plus similarly composed images of the house’s interiors. The author of this photographic documentation was the Brno-based photographer Rudolf Sandalo Jr. (1899–1980). The images were possibly commissioned directly by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who was apparently also responsible for the photograph’s distribution and oversaw their publication in the print media.
Sandalo’s work is one of the largest and most valuable sets of photographic documentation in Brno City Museum’s Department of the History of Architecture, and is greatly valued both at home and abroad. In 2012, the Villa Tugendhat collection was further expanded by a generous gift from a private collector, who donated 42 unique photographs of this iconic building to the museum.
A selection from these originals is now on exhibition at Villa Tugendhat open from June 6 to August 26 2018, and a set of other originals of Sandalo’s photographs of Czechoslovak modern architecture is currently on display at Brno City Museum’s exhibition spaces at Špilberk Castle at the exibition Rudolf Sandalo (1899–1980) Visions of modernity from May 31 to August 26 2018.
Exhibition organiser: Jindřich Chatrný, Dagmar Černoušková (Brno City Museum), Lucie Valdhansová (Villa Tugendhat)
Exhibition on the Tugendhat Villa’s technical floor is open from June 6 to August 26 2018 within the villa’s opening hours without prior reservation.
Admission: 50 CZK
Photos were published in the book Villa Tugendhat. Rudolf Sandalo, 1931
Tel: +420 515 511 015 / 017
E-mail: info@tugendhat.eu
A poster can be download here.
In order to reach the exhibition Rudolf Sandalo. Visions of Modernity at Špilberk Castle, you can take bus no. 80 to the HRAD ŠPILBERK stop. The bus departs every two hours (every hour on weekends) from the ČESKÁ stop along the park across from Brandlova Street. Departure times are at 10:51, 12:51, 14:51, and 16:51 on weekdays and 10:51, 11:51, 12:51, 13:51, etc. on weekends.
To reach ČESKÁ from Villa Tugendhat, take tram no. 3, 5, or 9 from the DĚTSKÁ NEMOCNICE stop.
It’s a pleasant walk down the hill from the castle back to the city center, or you can again take bus no. 80, which departs from the HRAD ŠPILBERK stop at 10:59, 12:59, 14:59, 16:59, and 18:59 on weekdays or every hour (10:59, 11:59, 12:59, 13:59, etc.) on weekends.
Z hradního kopce je příjemná procházka do centra města nebo lze opět využít autobus č. 80, který odjíždí ze zastávky HRAD ŠPILBERK jednou za dvě hodiny (odjezdy v: 10.59; 12.59; 14.59; 16.59; 18.59); o víkendech pak po hodinách (10.59; 11.59; 12.59; 13.59 atd.).