Every opening day, Villa Tugendhat is full of visitors and tourists from all over the world, who admire the empty shelves, the chairs and armchairs that cannot be moved, the beds that no one sleeps in. What would happen if you moved into the house with your family or friends? What would the beautiful functionalist austere spaces of the villa look like if a family of five occupied it? Where could you put a hamster cage or an aquarium? Where would you put your computer, where would you most like to read a book, where would you most enjoy breakfast?
Author: Jakub Plachý, illustrator of children’s and adult books, working in the Xao bookstore, gallery and micropublishing house in Prague
Starting at 9:00 on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat. Duration approximately 90 minutes.
The workshop is designed primarily for children, especially for pupils of the first level of primary schools. However, all ages are welcome.
Please reserve seats only for active workshop participants. Accompanying younger children with a maximum of one adult is possible beyond the reserved places.
Admission is free. Reservation required via BrnoiD:
In case you cannot use your reservation, please notify us at the following email address kolar@muzeumbrna.cz.
The workshop will take place as part of the accompanying programme to the exhibition of illustrations of architecture KONTURY. More information about the exhibition can be found HERE.
The exhibition was prepared by the Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre, Brno City Museum, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.