V rámci dvoudenní pracovní návštěvy jižní Moravy navštívilo ve čtvrtek 27. ledna 2011 vilu Tugendhat vedení ministerstva kultury České republiky v čele s ministrem Jiřím Besserem. V jeho doprovodu byli mj. 1. náměstek As part of a two-day working visit to South Moravia, Tugendhat House was visited on Thursday, 27th January 2011, by representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic led by Minister Jiří Besser. He was accompanied by 1st Deputy Minister, František Mikeš, Deputy Minister for cultural heritage Anna Matoušková, deputy head of the economic department, department of internal administration and investments and department for strategy and grant policies Michaela Vojtová, Head of the UNESCO department at the Ministry of Culture Michal Beneš and other ministry representatives and staff. The monument restoration of the House is funded under the Integrated Operational Programme. This will be followed, with financial assistance of the Ministry of Culture – a programme called „Support of UNESCO sites“ – by a scientific-research task ”Tugendhat House – Collective documentation project“ managed by the Museum of the City of Brno – Tugendhat House. Thus, a modern study centre of the Tugendhat House will be established, dealing also with the collection of archive design documentation and photographs from public as well as private sources in the Czech Republic and abroad. The obtained unique materials are digitalised and stored in a newly created database and some of them are posted on the website of Tugendhat House. The delegation of the Ministry of Culture was welcomed and accompanied by the Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno Roman Onderka and the Vice Mayor Jana Bohuňovská, Director of the Museum of the City of Brno, Pavel Ciprian and manager of Tugendhat House reconstruction, Michal Malásek from Unistav a. s. After the visit to the House, the guests were informed about the progress and results of the research task presented by Iveta Černá and Dagmar Černoušková from Tugendhat House in cooperation with David Židlický. At the end of the visit, the representatives of the Ministry of Culture highly appreciated the existing progress of the monument restoration as well as the outcomes of the scientific research task.
photo: Miloš Budík photo: Miloš Budík photo: Miloš Budík photo: Miloš Budík photo: Miloš Budík photo: Miloš Budík photo: Miloš Budík