June 2021 – February 2022
The new format of the Villa Tugendhat exhibition projects offers a view of its unique space from unusual perspectives using approaches of contemporary art practice – performance, deep listening, authentic movement, lighting design, sonification, 3D possibilities or parametric architecture/generative design.
With his revolutionary design, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe created a specific spatial situation: the so-called free-flowing space, very different from previous concepts of space in the history of architecture, in terms of visual or acoustic properties, lighting conditions, possibilities of movement and use, its rhythm or variability.
The space of Villa Tugendhat can be described by countless, even contradictory, adjectives: open – closed, finite – infinite, intimate – public, sacred, spiritual or meditative – very practically usable, monochromatic – bursting with colour, cool – warm, airy or light – anchored in the hillside, austere – exclusive, …
All discussions about its nature therefore end in the recognition of its contradictory, even elusive, nature and the interplay of contradictions on all levels. The individual contradictory concepts are unified into one coherent experience when perceiving this space.
Although the iconic free-flowing space has been described countless times by art historians and other theorists, it still harbours many interesting specifics that can be explored. The intent of the Possibilities of Interpretation exhibition projects is to begin to survey unexplored possibilities of insight, to find additional ways of showcasing its unusual, contradictory aspects, and to focus viewers’ attention on the space itself – which is often overwhelmed when visited by the objects, materials, stories, or connotations associated with the UNESCO monument as an institution.
Another aim of the series of interpretations is also to highlight the wide range of non-invasive, contemporary projects that can be implemented in Villa Tugendhat despite the special protection of the UNESCO monument. It offers an opportunity to engage in a dialogue with this modernist icon, to subject a space that was also an experiment at the time of its creation (1928–1930) to further experimental scrutiny, and to stimulate further creative thinking among theorists, artists, and the general public.
An integral part of any interpretation will be the exploration of the possibilities of presenting and exhibiting the architecture itself, while also bringing the practices of contemporary art and currently used technologies to the attention of the general public who visit the site.
The results of these research and artistic projects will be presented to visitors in the form of exhibitions on the technical floor of Villa Tugendhat, online on the website and on the Possibilities of Interpretation Instagram profile.
The exhibition projects will also include workshops, performances and lectures for the public in the interior and exterior of the villa, which will allow people to experience the space of the villa in a different way than before and make its unusual aspects accessible to the viewer.
Neli Hejkalová, curator

28 June 2021 performative event with discussion – online broadcast 12:00–20:00, entry to the villa garden from 17:00
7 July 2021, 6 p. m. exhibition opening
8 July – 2 August 2021 exhibition of the performative meeting outcomes
Anne Glassner (AT): Sensing the Night
4 Aug 2021, 6 p. m. exhibition opening
5 Aug – 29 Aug 2021 exhibition of footage from the sleeping experiment in the vill
AVA Kolektiv & Move the City: RUPTURES/SITUATIONS
19 July 2021 authentic movement workshop with Move the City
21 July 2021 special tours with movement research by Move the City
31 Aug 2021, 6 p. m. exhibition opening with sound performance
1 Sep – 26 Sep 2021 exhibition of sound-motion research outputs
Vladimír Burian + ASD DF: Garden Illumination
30 Sep 2021, 6 p. m. exhibition opening
30 September – 31 October 2021 exhibition of outcomes of garden lighting
2 October 2021, 7–9 p. m. lightning of the garden (weather permitting) and a lecture by Vladimír Burian about trends in artificial lighting (as part of the Architecture Day programme)
3 October 2021, 7–9 p. m. lightning of the garden (weather permitting; as part of the Architecture Day programme)
Jiří Suchánek & Martin Dlabaja (SVITAVA transmedia art lab): Archiscore
22 Nov 2021, 6 p. m. exhibition opening
3 Nov – 5 Dec 2021 exhibition of the interactive VR model
1 Dec 2021, 6 p. m. lecture by Jiří Suchánek on sonification
FA VUT + Florida International University: PULSATING MIES / Biomorphic Machines
7 December 2021, 6 p.m. exhibition opening
8 December 2021 – 9 January 2022 exhibition of models of parametric architecture based on Mies van der Rohe’s concepts
8 December 2021, 6 p.m. and 16 December 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Panel discussion comparing the perception of Mies van der Rohe’s work on the American and European continents:
MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran Vítek
Prof. Ing. arch. Monika Mitášová, PhD.
Mgr. Filip Šenk, Ph.D.
MArch Ing.arch. Ing. Jiří Uran Vítek
Ing. arch., Mgr. art Ján Pernecký
Andrew Santa Lucia
Eric Goldemberg
Helena Lukášová: Construction Organism
11 Jan 2022, 6 p.m. exhibition opening
12 Jan – 6 Feb 2022 exhibition of site-specific projections connecting illusory and physical space
25 Jan 2022, 6 p.m. lecture by Helena Lukášová
Authors of the concept and production of exhibitions
Barbora Benčíková, Ludmila Haasová, Neli Hejkalová, Lucie Valdhansová (Villa Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre)
Neli Hejkalová
Graphic design
Atelier Zidlicky
Project photographer
Mizuki Nakeshu
Kateřina Báňová – Marcela Schneiberková
The exhibition series was prepared by the Tugendhat Study and Documentation Centre and was realized with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.