The so-called Large Villa in the spirit of an Art Nouveau château building with Baroque and Neo-Classical elements was built in Svitávka (approximately 40 km north of Brno) by the Moses Löw-Beer company according to an anonymous project over the years 1900-1902. Within viewing distance, in an extensive park, the father of Grete Tugendhat, Alfred Löw-Beer, had the so-called Small Villa built in the year 1906 according to a project by the Brno builder Josef Nebehosteny. The architect Rudolf Baumfeld designed a flat, in the spirit of ‘a home museum’ for a collection of Asian art (preserved only in fragments) in the Large Villa for Fritz Löw-Beer, the cousin of Grete Tugendhat, in the middle of the 1930s. The Large Villa at present houses the Svitávka Municipal Office, while the Small Villa is in private hands. Both buildings are registered on the Central List of Cultural Monuments.