After a significant period of time, the first comprehensive summary of research by Czech scholars regarding Villa Tugendhat has been collected in one volume. The volume contains a summary of the most essential moments from the construction history of the house arising from construction history research in the year 2001 which has been supplemented in recent years with new information, obtained within the framework of the activities of SDC-VT. A separate aspect, only published for the first time theme, concerns the renewal and reconstruction of the Villa over the years 1981-1985 along with the most frequent discussion questions connected with this project, which has been and still is subject to criticism. The pictorial section consists of, up until now, unpublished planning and photography documentation. The text includes an extensive summary in German.
The article can be downloaded on the Czech version of our web pages.
Dagmar Černoušková – Josef Janeček – Karel Ksandr – Pavel Zahradník, New Notes on the Construction History of Villa Tugendhat and its Restoration and Reconstruction over the years 1981-1985, Průzkumy památek, year. XV, 1/2008, pp. 89-126 (