Between 1929-1930 the husband and wife Greta and Fritz Tugendhat had a house built in Brno to a design by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The house became famous as one of the most important examples of house designs in the world in terms of the structural system, layout, interior furnishing, services and the integration of the building into the natural environment. Over eight decades since its completion this Unixe work of art has undergone a complicated development as a building both in terms of its structure and the sociopolitical circumstances surrounding it. The contribution outlines the philosophy, history and the fortunes of the building until the present day, when the second heritage preservation of the house is underway (started in January 2010) and planned to be finished in January 2012. It will be open to the public on 6th March 2012.
TheThe article can be downloaded on the Czech version of our web pages.
Iveta Černá, The house of Greta and Fritz Tugendhat in Brno. In: 67 bulletin Moravské galerie v Brně (Bulletin of the Moravian Gallery in Brno), 2011, pp. 80-91