The Study and Documentation Centre was established in the Villa Tugendhat in 2005; the famous villa has been under the operative administration of the Brno City Museum since 1994. Since 2009, the Study and Documentation Centre has been working on the Document Collection Project involving the creation of a digitalized database of period plans, photographs, films and recorded materials. The project also included the creation of a new website in both Czech and English (
Renovation work, planned to take two years, began in January 2010. Information regarding the course of the work has been regularly published on the villa´s website since February 2010, allowing people from around the world to follow this important phase in the building´s construction history. A new feature of the project involves operative construction documentation. The structural/technical situation and fragments of authentic elements and materials used in the construction of the house in 1929-1930 (and later) are painstakingly recorded; some of these then go on to become museum exhibits.
The article can be downloaded on the Czech version of our web pages.
Iveta Černá – Dagmar Černoušková – Ivan Wahla – Milan Žáček – David Židlický, The Villa Tugendhat during the Course of Monument Renovation Work, Průzkumy památek, roč. XVIII, 1/2011, s. 195-202